Monday, April 23, 2007

audio_burn and libaudioburn for Linux

Homepage of Neill Miller and "audio_burn"
From the homepage of audio_burn and libaudioburn. These tools are provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) and are written and maintained by Neill Miller. Latest release as of this post is audio_burn-0.0.9 and can be downloaded here audio_burn-0.0.9.tar.gz (04-09-2004). What are people saying about audio_burn? "This program was the only one I've been able to use successfully to burn my mp3 -> cdda. Works great, simple, console-based. Neat." --MSilveira on audio_burn is a command-line audio cd burning application written in C. It uses libaudioburn (also written in C) for all of the real work - which in turn uses several other Free Software packages and utilities such as: oggdec, mpg321, sox, normalize, and cdrecord. ------- I found a nice helpful hint for cdrecord on the audio_burn page worth a look if you have a 2.6.x kernel and do not use scsi emulation. Check it out ... The --atapi option is new with audio_burn 0.0.9. If specified, it causes audio_burn to use the ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) support in cdrecord. This is mostly useful in the 2.6.x kernels, where it's often faster and more stable to use this mode. This is similar to running cdrecord with the dev=ATAPI:X,Y,Z option. The --atapi-dev=/dev/X option is new with audio_burn 0.0.9. If specified, it causes audio_burn to use the ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) support in cdrecord, but specifying a direct path to the device. This is similar to running cdrecord with the dev=/dev/X option. Some machines reportedly support this better than the --atapi option above, and some machines don't support it at all. YMMV. NOTE: This option CANNOT be used at the same time as the --atapi option above. Later seven
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